FIRST IMPRESSION | Dior Backstage Face & Body Foundation | Katrina S

WOW – wowowow. Watch and see the magic of the Dior Backstage Face & Body Foundation. Don’t want to say too much so enjoy! Lmk if you want me to do more of these videos with the other samples I have.

Dior Backstage Face & Body Foundation
Makeup Revolution Define and Conceal Concealer
Covergirl Matte pressed powder
Physician’s Formula butter bronzer
Pretty Vulgar Cosmetics ‘hush blush’

EMPTIES (beauty/skincare) –…


My Skin Diary: 30 Days on 2 Prescribed Topical Gels


Wow. I can’t believe I’m actually writing this post and opening up every single skin issue I have to the outside world. BUT – that’s what blogging is all about, right? Sharing your observations and finding people who might be going through the same situation. If in any way this can help someone find the strength and perseverance to beat adult acne, THEN KNOW I AM CHEERING YOU ON. And if this helps encourage you to finally make that dermatologist appointment, I’m extremely excited for you.

Where to begin. So basically, here’s a general timeline of my skin and its conditions:

Teenager: no issues at all. I had typical breakouts any teenager has and my skin would go through phases but never anything that made me feel uncomfortable to walk outside without foundation covering me up.

Ages 20-23: same dealio. No big issues and very manageable. My skin has always been combination and never 100% clear but for the most part I would live my day to day life not worried about skin issues AT ALL.

Enter 24-25: adult cystic acne – out of nowhere. HOW FUN. I struggle with huge under-the-skin blemishes that are painful and rarely come to a “head,” for lack of better wording. My problem areas are my chin and jawline, and most recently the higher part of my cheekbones. It. Is. Miserable. As you can imagine.

And yes, I had been planning a dermatologist trip, but I wanted to test some products trial-and-error before I made that jump to spend money on a professional opinion. Plus, my mind kept telling me, “This is a phase, your skin will clear up. You are planning a wedding and have a new job, you’re just stressed!

So I tried incorporating a toner, a new organic skincare line, coming up with a regimen of weekly exfoliation and face masks. Nothing was working. In fact, month after month it was just getting worse.

This cycle has been going on for roughly a year where my acne slowly began to take control of my feelings, emotions, and self-esteem. Honestly, I’ve had enough of this shit and decided I’d speak to my doctor before seeing a dermatologist (in case she could refer me to someone in the area).


My primary care doctor prescribed to me two topical gels:

  1. tretinoin – to use nightly
  2. clindamycin – to use daily in the morning


And then I went on to do my research. For starters, both were hella expen$ive and I was not about to drop a couple hundred on facial gels that would probably last me a month. I wrote into my doctor’s office and they managed to get me a lower strength of tretinoin and a different brand of clindamycin and it lowered the cost for me #blessed
In the first week of using clindamycin daily and tretinoin every other night:

I feel as if I’m purging – and for the love of all that is good in the world I HOPE I’m purging. lol. It’s pretty shitty, but my blemishes are now popping up in places I don’t typically get them (apples of my cheeks, in between my eyebrows). They’re not super dramatic and I could manage covering them up, but I’m definitely noticing an increase in pimples in random spots.

Something positive I’ve noticed, no new blemishes in my TRUE problem areas (chin and jawline). I’m hoping this skin is healing. I also have very soft skin every morning I wash it, as if the top layer of my skin has been exfoliated to reveal smooth skin underneath.

Changes in scarring/pigmentation: none

Second week of using clindamycin daily and tretinoin every other night:

This was the week my skin started to peel. It was a strange sensation as I smoothed moisturizer over my skin after applying tretinoin (and yes, I let it dry for 20 mins first) and my skin started to pill like a sweater shedding its threads lmao. I felt like a lizard shedding its skin. From there I tried my best to pat my moisturizers/oils into my skin for better absorption and this way I wasn’t peeling skin as badly.

I took a “1 week” progress photo of my skin and can tell a noticeable difference of the redness/irritation of current acne/scarring I had. It is looking much less irritated and stressed. My skin looks a bit healthy as if it is healing.

Still no issues with the shitty hormonal acne under my jawline – which was my main issuee. Hallelujah.

Changes in scarring/pigmentation: none

Third week of using clindamycin daily and tretinoin every other night:

This week has been the BEST as far as the shape of my skin. I have been extremely happy with the way it seems to be healing. I can maybe notice the faintest fading of scarring, but nothing noticeable to anyone else I’m sure. I am still dealing with peeling every night I apply the tretinoin (and to combat this I am still patting moisturizers and oils).

The most incredible miracle is waking up every day and not having a NEW BLEMISH on my chin/jaw. What a world it’s been to not feel bumpy under my chin. I feel a lot more confident and even made a trip to the coffee shop sans makeup – hey, this is big for me.

The only downside to this week is the fact I got my period *sigh* and had one medium sized cystic bump on my jawline. Literally.. small-medium sized. The easiest blemish to deal with. Typically around my time of the month I’d be covered in hormonal breakouts along my jaw/cheeks. I’d also like to mention the 1-2 pimples I did get went away within a day and a half and didn’t linger like acne monsters typically do.

Changes in scarring/pigmentation: maybe some faint fading

One month of clindamycin daily and tretinoin every other night:

HO-LY. GUACAMOLE. I’m so glad I took photos to document my skin at the start vs 30 days in. The difference is dramatic. I am not confident enough to show before and after yet, so if it continues to improve the way it has been, be on the lookout for a 2-3 month update and some photos of proof. I showed a few close friends of mine the before and after pics, and here is the consensus:

  • noticeable difference in the diminishing of existing blemishes
  • my skin looks much less inflamed and irritated
  • certain areas of skin are almost completely rid of acne

I am EXTREMELY happy with where my skin is currently at. I do still deal with the occasional cystic blemish, but no where near the amount I was dealing with. It is so nice to only have to cover scarring and not large, painful bumps.

My skin still peels, so I will see if that continues to improve through the next 2-3 months. I’ve read it can take several months to truly transform your skin as well as rid of the peeling. I do plan to start using it nightly, but wanted to introduce my skin to it before I went HAM on the topical accutane, if you catch my drift lol


So that’s that! I hope this is helpful to anyone out there – and please comment below if you’ve experienced anything similar. Would you like to see before/after photos and an updated post 2-3 months into using the gels? Lmk and I will keep documenting my improvement.

Until next time!

KS Loves red lips isolated in white

I love to meet new people!
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Empties Segment: skincare products

“50% of this roundup is Mario Badescu products & I’m not mad.”

TODAY I am bringing to your pretty little eyes six skincare items I have completely used up and my unfiltered opinion on them. Are they worth your $$? I’ma let you know.

First up, Philosophy Purity made simple facial cleanser – 24 oz. retails for $44

So I just want to start by saying, if you prefer a higher end face wash, this is HANDS DOWN worth the splurge. Here’s why: this 24 oz. bottle lasted me an entire year. Oh, you didn’t read that right? Yes, I said an entire year. In the case of some drugstore face washes, you could spend that money in a year! My thoughts are pretty simple here, this face wash is well-deserved of all the praise it receives. It does a great job at breaking up makeup and does not irritate the skin whatsoever.

Would I repurchase? Yes, definitely.

*However, if you’re in the market for an alternative that (in my opinion) does the same thing, look no further than Cetaphil at the drugstore. Thank me later.

Next, we have our Kirkland brand facial makeup remover wipes – 150 toilettes for $14.99

I’m not even sure it’s legal to sell makeup remover wipes this affordable. Can someone follow up on this? Nonetheless, they are phenomenal. I took awhile to get used to these as I was so used to the Neutrogena brand. However, these are just as good and get the job done. Also, they’re 10 cents a wipe so like idk what more I need to say to sell you on these.

Would I repurchase? Yes, when I make my way through 150 of them.

Third, we have the Clinique Take the Day Off cleansing balm – $29.50

Okay, I tried the sample size of this before I spent $30 on a “pre-cleanse” and immediately went and purchased the large size. Absolutely, without a doubt worth your coin. It truly melts away your makeup, breaking down your foundation, concealer, and all powders. Be careful around your eyes as to rub gently, you don’t want to pull any lashes out. This melts away your eye makeup and leaves your skin prepped for your facial cleanser.

Would I repurchase? I already have!

Okay onto our Mario Badescu products as I’m sure that’s what you came to the party for.

  1. Mario Badescu flower & tonic mask – 2 oz costs $18
    This mask is meant for the congested parts of your face (nose and chin for me)
    I love love loved this face mask. I think the price is great, the quality is even better, and I will definitely be repurchasing. This mask dries down very quickly and sucks the life out of your pores. I love it. I think of all the masks I’ve tried, this one does the best job at absorbing excess oils.
  2. Mario Badescu super collagen mask – 2 oz costs $18
    This mask is meant to hydrate dull and dry areas of your face (forehead and cheeks for me)
    I enjoyed this mask as well, but I don’t think it’s for me. As far as the “hydrating” aspect of this, I didn’t notice it. In fact, it dried down quickly just as the flower & tonic one did, leaving me feeling like it was sucking out more moisture than it was replenishing. I didn’t notice a difference in the hydration of my skin. I would not buy again.
  3. Mario Badescu cucumber cleansing lotion – 8 oz for $15
    This stuff is freaking awesome. Don’t be dissuaded by the name, it’s highly deceiving if you’re a normal human like me and think “cleansing lotion” screams moisturizer on your face. Wrong. This is a liquid! I would treat this as a toner, using it after face wash and before moisturizers. It is ideally for combination/oily skin and meant to prevent breakouts by removing buildup and bacteria.
    Would I repurchase? Maybe if I hadn’t been introduced to the Pixi Glow Tonic – yes.

So those are my empties for this month! Have you tried any of these? Would you recommend I give something another thought, or did you have the same experience? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thank you so very much for the read – xo



red lips isolated in white

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REVIEW: First Aid Beauty Red Clay deep cleanser

“Thank you Ipsy for granting me another holy grail skincare product.”


This cleanser is good. In both quality and price-wise. The First Aid Beauty red clay deep cleanser retails for $24.00 full size (which is 4.7 oz of product). That’s a lot of face cleanser, and you don’t need to use this every single day – unless you want to.

It comes out of the tube as a gel, but once you add water it quickly foams into a silky lather on your face. Not a foamy lather, but a silky one, like it’s replenishing moisture while drawing out your excess oils.

The red clay cleanser works to target:

  • oiliness
  • blemishes/blackheads
  • & pores

Here’s how I’d recommend its use based on your skin type:

  • once weekly for those with normal skin
  • every other night for those with combination/oily skin
  • OR the “recommended” by First Aid Beauty is as much as twice daily for those with oily skin and blemishes they’d like to target


I have been using this cleanser every other night for two weeks now, and I have loved the way my skin feels after each use. *My skin is oily and I do have problem areas, but wouldn’t consider my skin to be covered in blemishes.* It provides a very deep clean yet is gentle at the same time. I don’t feel like it misses any trace of makeup, as my face feels completely refreshed and squeaky clean after each use. I almost feel like it does the work of a toner yet lacks the “drying” properties we often see in toners.

Bottom line: would I repurchase this? Definitely!
I think the price is right and the product is great. I am very intrigued by my first First Aid Beauty skincare item and this might be the gateway into trying other products.

Have you tried any items from this line of skincare? What are your thoughts? Any holy grail’s I need to get my hands on? Let me know in the comments below!

KS red lips isolated in white

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Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion

“By far the most luxurious skincare product I will ever use.”


BEFORE I even start to review the Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion exfoliator… I must address the price. And I know.. I know it’s bad. I am well aware of the boujie price tag.

Let Image result for clap emoji me Image result for clap emoji reassure Image result for clap emoji you.. I did not spend $80 on this product. I would never. Your girl would have to put in WORK to be able to afford this comfortably.

However, I did buy this. Ulta had this product on sale for $47.40, and then I had $18 on a gift card and $14 in rewards points to redeem. So in the end, I only paid $15 for this. That’s more like it.


“The Claims”:
– helps retain your youthful glow
– smooths skin’s texture
– diminish appearance of acne marks
– polishes away dead skin cells

IN MY OPINION – This finely-milled peppermint-scented exfoliator brings a luxurious “spa” like experience to the comfort of your own home. It gently exfoliates dead skin while also replenishing moisture to your face. When I finish using this microdermabrasion (once weekly), my skin is left feeling slightly moisturized.. like I’ve just massaged my Tarte maracuja oil into my skin! It’s an incredible feeling, like I’ve just received an at-home mini facial.


  • Ipsy includes mini sizes of this in some of their monthly bags!
  • Incredibly finely milled to gently exfoliate your skin without irritation
  • Leaves skin feeling refreshed and smooth – primed for nighttime serums/moisturization
  • Works to tackle those stubborn skin texture issues


  • The only thing I can think of is the price tag, that’s it. And when it comes to my skincare routine, I’m willing to splurge where I feel it’s worth it.


Bottom line: would I pay $80 for this? Unlikely. Will I put my next $50 Sephora gift card towards this? Probably! It is such a great product and the amount you receive in a full size (2 oz) will last you at least a year. $80 in a year for some mini at-home facials.. now that doesn’t sound so bad.

Have you tried any Dr. Brandt skincare products? Are you a fan? Why, or why not? I’m interested to know if any of my beauties out there have dabbled in this line of products.

KS red lips isolated in white

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REVIEW: June Ipsy Bag

“I know this review is late please forgive me.”

The June bag was pretty bangin’, not gonna lie. Maybe that’s why it took me so long to post? Obsessed with the products… ya know? Not cutting it? Fine we’ll hop to it.

The bag last month might have created yet another must-have favorite to add to the Ipsy Hall of Fame for me. And honestly, we’ll just jump right into it…

  1. Hey Honey Uncover Detoxifying Mud Mask retails for $54.00
    I’m not going to sugar-coat it, this mask is hella expensive. Some would say way too many dolla bill$ for the product. HOWEVER, please allow me to explain why this could become a new holy grail.
    – does not dry super tight on your skin – it moreso dries to a “glazed” appearance
    – a little product goes a long way, with a rather thick consistency that feels like it is soaking up impurities in the skin
    – there are tiny microbeads that give this mask a gritty feel as you wash it off, allowing for a gentle exfoliation while you massage the mask into your skin
    Cut to the chase, what have you noticed? I have literally noticed better skin the next morning. My pores appear smaller, I don’t see as many blackheads, and my makeup looks incredibly smooth and poreless. It’s a dream of a product and (unfortunate for my wallet) I will be repurchasing.


ALSO – if you want to buy anything from Hey Honey’s website this month, you can get 20% off with Ipsy’s code: HeyHoneyUncover

2. City Color Cosmetics Shimmer Shadow in “Cheers to Life” retails for $3.99
THIS. IS. SO. PIGMENTED. clap_pzfqtq
I even saved a snapchat I sent my friend right after swatching this. I’m going to also throw this in here: it was one swipe of the shadow on my arm. Incredible color and such a vibrant bronzy shade that I could see being versatile for all skin tones.

3. Beauty For Real I-LINE 24-7 Eyeliner in “Chocolate Fix” retails for $14.00
I actually really like this. It has an intense vibrancy to it and feels very creamy upon application. I received the color Chocolate Fix which is a rich dark brown perfect for tight-lining and/or the water line. I don’t even do either of those techniques on my eyes but this liner makes me want to.


4. NYX Whipped Lip & Cheek Soufflé in “Plush” retails for $6.00
I wasn’t a fan of this. Could be because I gravitate towards matte lippies and tend to steer clear of pinky pinks, but I also didn’t enjoy the application of this product. It wasn’t full-blown pigment in your face, it was a little more streaky. I might find better luck using this as a cheek pigment instead!


5. theBalm Cosmetics Balm Spring Blush retails for $21.00
I wanted to like this more, I really did. The color and tone are everything, nice and nude but enough color for a pale girl (hi, me over here). And it might be the size of the pan or something else but I can’t get into this blush! It doesn’t really show up on my cheeks and it swatched terribly from the small Ipsy sample. Did anyone else have this issue? Idk but for $21.00, I ain’t purchasing it waving-hand-sign.png


So that was everything in my Ipsy bag for the month of June! Besides a sample size of the Dr. Brandt Pores No More primer – which I finally cashed in some Ipsy points for. Pays to review your products, people! GWylEE2h_400x400.png

Did you get the same product/s in your Ipsy bag? What were your thoughts? Were you happy with the items? Underwhelmed? Let me know – I love to chat about it.

KS red lips isolated in white

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The Pros & Cons to Using a Gel Moisturizer

“Does it help you stay matte? Do you actually feel moisturized?”

Cost: $6.69 at Target (but of course in the city it cost me like $8.99 at a CVS)

I wanted to try this out to see if it would help balance out my oily skin. And by “this” I mean the Garnier Refreshing Gel-Cream for normal/combo skin.

We’re getting somewhere – I truly think we are. However, I don’t think this is a holy grail product. I will say, this type of skincare might be a holy grail, but I’m not convinced the Garnier gel-cream is it.

So I do like this, don’t get me wrong.


  • It’s incredibly lightweight.
  • Has a lovely light fragrance.
  • Absorbs into the skin within a minute. I am not left with a tacky feeling, but more of a smooth “aloe”-like feel, if that makes sense?
  • Hydrates my skin, but I only use it in the morning before applying makeup. I want something light for daytime wear so that potentially I can mask my shiny t-zone (that’s the goal here people).
  • As far as I can tell, it does contribute to remaining matte for longer periods of time. I find myself less shiny further into the day now.


  • You don’t experience that sinks-into-the-skin-and-feels-super-moisturizing sensation. But I guess, perhaps, you won’t! It’s a gel.
  • Not the cheapest drugstore moisturizer, yet one of the only gel ones on the market that I’ve seen.
  • There is just no “wow” factor to this product. It does the job but doesn’t feel like an item I couldn’t live without.

So here’s my consensus: I like the idea of a gel moisturizer, but I need more of a gel-cream. Something that mimics a lotion, but carries the lightweight benefits of a gel.


I am considering the Seaweed Oil-Control gel cream by the Body Shop. I tried this on the back of my hand in the store, and it was a magnificent lightweight product. Considering it also fights oiliness, I want to give this a shot. It’s $20.00, so I think I’ll wait for another 40% off sale.

Have you tried this gel moisturizer? What were your thoughts? Did you repurchase? Should I look elsewhere? I love all recommendations and chatting about it! Feel free to leave me a comment below.

KS red lips isolated in white

Connect with me!
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Facial Friday: Tea Tree Face Mask Review

“There are similar/better products for a fraction of the price.”

Price: $17.00

Let me start by saying I am a firm believer in The Body Shop skincare line. I will stand behind their tea tree oil for spot-treating blemishes until the day I leave this earth.


I gotta be honest here, The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing mud mask really didn’t do it for me. It’s not that it didn’t work, but I feel I get the same results when I use drugstore brands. For starters, this little pot of mud is $17.00. I can get a tube of Freeman’s Charcoal and Black Sugar mud mask for $4.29 at CVS. In my opinion, this mask performs the same duties: smoothes the skin and helps clear blemishes. (see mini review here)

For the record: I have been using this mask 1-2 times a week for three weeks. On Ulta’s website, the Body Shop claims that this mask works to draw out excess oil from the pores, but I haven’t noticed a change in oil production. I also haven’t noticed an improvement in my blemishes, nor are they being “prevented.”

I will give it this: the mask feels soothing on the skin, and once activated there is a tingly sensation on your face that feels like the mask is really working. It does not dry down quickly, nor does it leave your skin feeling super tight by the time you’re ready to wash it off.


  • lightweight formula which doesn’t dry down to a skin-tight feeling
  • tea tree scent is not overwhelming
  • a little seems to go a long way – I think the tub will last me awhile


  • I feel like I get the same results for less $$ elsewhere
  • it hasn’t worked “wonders” to clear my skin or absorb excess oil
  • the price tag

So that’s my summary! I will say, regardless of my opinions on this mask, it will definitely last me awhile, which could make the $17 worth it. That being said, I would also like to give their Seaweed Oil-Balancing clay mask a go.  This mask is $23.00, so I will wait until I finish the tea tree one before I jump into that purchase. I firmly believe the Body Shop has the potential to wow me when it comes to skincare, and considering it’s an investment, it may be worth it. Anything to balance out the oil in my face would be a godsend.

What is your favorite skincare item from the Body Shop? Should I be trying some other items? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! I love hearing new ideas/products to try.

KS red lips isolated in white

Connect with me!
Instagram: ksloves
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Facial Friday: Biore Charcoal Nose Strips

“I think I prefer the original pore strips.”


I’m sure we can all agree everyone loves a deep clean of the pores, especially the ones on our nose. Daily skincare is enough to break down makeup and exfoliate dead skin cells. However, once every so often it becomes imperative to clean out the gunk that clogs our pores.

For me, the worst of it is on my nose and the inner parts of my cheeks (as I assume is most people’s trouble area). I’m looking for a product that will adhere to a large surface area of my nose and a little on my cheeks, as that area tends to be much more sensitive.

Originally, I tried the Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, and loved those so much I wanted to give the charcoal ones a try. The Biore Charcoal Deep Cleansing Pore Strips are meant to perform the same duty, but also draw out excess oil.

These strips definitely get the job done. Once I peel back the strips I can see all of the gunk that exits my pores. I just have two problems with these:

  1. I never see a change in oil production. They claim you are supposed to see 3x less oil, and that hasn’t happened for me. I’ve gone through an entire box of six and have yet to see a change in my shiny t-zone.

    2. Pictured here, you’ll see that I’m pointing to where the strip does not stay adhered to the side of my nose. Every single time I use a strip, it sort of “puckers” on the sides of my nose, and does not stick. I have tried wetting my face more so that the strip really sticks, and without fail it detaches every time. Therefore, I have never been able to clear out the pores on the sides of my nose, which is kind of the point of this product.

For these two reasons, I am choosing the original pore strips over the charcoal ones. They perform the same job, though even better considering those strips stick to my nose. I wanted to give the charcoal ones a shot due to my oily skin, but I did not see a difference.

Have you tried either of these products? Did you notice the same/different effects? Would you recommend any different ones?

KS red lips isolated in white

Connect with me!
Instagram: ksloves
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Facial Friday: My Skincare Routine!

“Let’s get into the routine which has become my daily grind.”


I have been meaning to do this post for awhile! Although, I wanted to tweak my routine before I got started. Prior to last year, I literally only used Cetaphil cleanser to wash my face. No face masks, no exfoliator, no handheld face massager, nothing. Just some plain old SOAP. And don’t get me wrong, that’s perfect for some people, but my skin needed help. So now I have a very different regimen, as I have become very serious about improving the texture and oiliness of my skin.

Quick breakdown: I have very oily skin, and it’s hard to keep it matte by noon. I typically don’t powder throughout the day because, well, honestly I don’t care what I look like at work. However, if I’m meeting up with the bf or going out after work, I certainly have to touch up so I don’t look like a shiny mess. Other than that, I don’t particularly have bad skin, but I definitely have problem areas (my chin and under my jawline).

To start: I cleanse. This is where I use my Solo Mio (full review here), which has quickly become my holy grail device. I will apply my Philosophy Purity facial cleanser to my face as I normally would, massaging it into the skin for a few seconds. Then I go in with my Solo Mio and cleanse my face for approximately a minute (focusing on each zone of my face for about 15 seconds).
*note: I do this twice daily, once in the morning and then again at night. Jaclyn Hill mentioned once in a skincare video that it is just as important to wash your skin when you wake up, as you release toxins and sweat while you sleep.


Next: exfoliate. I have been using and loving the Aveeno Daily Brightening Scrub which works wonders for shedding dead skin and dirt, as well as cleaning out my pores. I have to mention as well that this exfoliator is the best-smelling face product I have ever used! I massage this onto the face with my hands only so it is not too harsh on my skin.
*note: I do consider washing my face with the Solo Mio as a mild exfoliator, so I only use the Aveeno scrub every other night (and also nights when I apply face masks).


Lastly: moisturize.
– at night, I will follow my exfoliator with my Tarte Maracuja Oil (full review here), and I swear by this product now. A combination of my recent skincare routine and adding this face oil at night has completely transformed the texture of my skin and I have noticed the biggest difference. My skin has become so much easier to work with as far as makeup application is concerned.
– in the morning, I will follow my Philosophy face wash with a basic moisturizer from CVS, the Ultra Calming Daily Moisturizer (good dupe for the Aveeno ultra calming daily moisturizer).


So that’s my daily skincare routine! I was considering including my face mask regimen here as well, but then figured I could dedicate an entire post to that. Let me know in the comments below if you found this helpful and use similar products! Is there anything I’m missing or should check out? As always, I’m open for discussion.

KS red lips isolated in white

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